I am a craftsman who has cultivated a passion for sewing since I was a child.
A grandmother who was a seamstress, a knitter, a grandfather who was a shoemaker and what else can I say... it's in my blood.
It couldn't have been my destiny but in reality I'm still trying to understand what my path is... or as I always say: what I want to do when I grow up.
I have being a 'monkey' on my side, I'm curious and I don't stop for a second.
They are 'precise' and this leads me to be very critical, especially in my own.
There are those who think I'm exaggerated, but in reality I think that's my strong point. Regardless of all this, being so meticulous leads me to constantly evolve and improve myself day by day.
Perfection doesn't exist and I don't even look for it but my works must be created in a certain way.
What else can I tell you:
I am a perpetually active volcano, I would like to do three thousand two hundred things all at once but then I realize that I only have two hands and that the days are made up of only 24 hours
I am the mother of a beautiful little girl, Luce
My masterpiece (Yes, it's perfection!)
It gives me strength in everything... it's as if it were a concentrate of a thousand coffees injected directly into my vein!
I go days without sleeping (not that I've ever been a sleepyhead! but I never would have imagined it!)
I chose family over work
I believe that working is extremely important
I believe in freedom, in independence
Besides the fact that, personally, it's my refuge from everything
In reality, home is perhaps more my laboratory from a certain point of view
I would like one day my daughter to find a job that she enjoys as much as I enjoy.
Maybe with a little more help and a little less thought
But I hope she can really do what she likes
Without ifs and buts
Only with the desire to do that (even if maybe it doesn't bring home the billions....)
I've always thought that money doesn't bring happiness... it certainly helps... but being happy is something else.
Here...another thing about me...I talk, I talk, I talk...
Maybe because I stay in silence for centuries amidst the sounds of just my machines working (sometimes I can barely hear the music!)
So when I can I'm a car without brakes!
But now...I'd say I've introduced myself enough
Meanwhile, as they say: you will never know a person fully
So...if you have any questions I'll be happy to answer them
Differently... look at my works and I hope that these can tell you better about who I am, because in reality, I'm not very good with words
Your Valentina

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